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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Health & Beauty Tips For Teens

Top Eight Tips to Get a Radiant Skin!
by: Felicia adams

Young, fresh, healthy and radiant! Whether you are sixteen or sixty, this is how you want your skin to be. How do you seek to achieve your objectives? Do you propose to get the best skin care products? Or are you aiming for costly medications? Put it on hold for now. You could improve the texture of your skin through natural skin care.

Before going to free tips for skin care beauty?, learn your skin type. The type of your skin could be normal, dry, oily, sensitive or combination. Your friends may insist that people with normal skin are the lucky ones. But, it doesn't mean that they should absolutely ignore their skin. Remember that natural skin care methods could go a long way in improving your skin. Now, let us go through the following
free skin care tips:

Tip #1: Cleanse Your Skin

Do you apply heavy makeup when leaving for work? Then, don’t forget to remove the makeup after you return from the workplace. Your exposure to wind, sun, pollutions and even air conditioning could block the pores of your skin. You don’t have to run to the beautician to clean your skin. Just dip a piece of cotton wool in the milk and wipe your skin. You could also dip the cotton wool in almond oil and clean the skin under your eyes.

Tip #2: Eat Healthy Food

Chocolate, candies, French fries and Pizzas! As delicious as they are, these food items are deemed to be the enemies of your skin. They could cause blemishes and make your skin oily. It is hard to digest the fact, but reduce the intake of these delicacies for the betterment of your skin.

Tip #3: Exercise Regularly

The tasteless water could very well help in improving your complexion. Eight glasses of water along with regular exercise could have a positive impact on your complexion. What kind of exercises? Walking, running, jogging or even engaging in sports could have the desired effect on your skin.

Tip #4: Replace Your Dead Skin Cells

Don't ignore dead skin cells. Note that you have to exfoliate at least twice a week to replace your dead skin cells. Do you have broken capillaries? In that case, care should be taken before exfoliating.

Tip #5: Reduce Exposure to the Sun

Is it possible to escape the ill effects of hot sun? Exposure to the sun could leave your skin with blotches and premature wrinkles. Do you have to go out between 10: am and 3: pm? In that case, wear sun glasses and wide rimmed hats to prevent direct exposure to the sun.

Tip #6: Use Natural Moisturizer

Is your environment surrounded by pollutants and dust? Then, it would be better for you to use a natural moisturizer. These moisturizers can protect and hydrate your skin. How do you prepare a nourishing mask at home? Blend white cosmetic clay with mashed banana and apply on your face. Wash after a few minutes.

Tip #7: Avoid Excessive Use of Cosmetics

Excessive use of cosmetics could have an adverse effect on your skin and health. People remain unaware that most of the cosmetics contain dangerous chemicals like parabens, thus paving way for cancer. If not cancer, these chemicals could cause serious allergies. So, it is better to minimize the excessive use of cosmetics.

Tip #8: Maintain Healthy Lifestyle

Are you addicted to alcohol and cigarettes? Then, you are sure to get all kinds of skin problems. Wrinkles and blotches may find haven in your skin. Stay away from alcohol and cigarettes if you want healthy skin. Try to stay cool, so as to avoid fatigue and stress.

Taking care of your skin is hardly a difficult process. Healthy lifestyle with proactive skin care could leave the right impact on your skin. Care for your skin and it would never betray you.

Skin Care Tips by: Josh Riverside

Women across the world scan magazines and television channels for wonder tips for rejuvenating their skin. Men, too, are becoming increasingly conscious of their looks, and cosmetic giants are catering to their specific skin care needs.

Both men and women need to follow a proper skin care regimen to prevent premature aging and possess glowing skin. Mothers should begin skin care of their children right from infancy. This will not only keep children�s skin healthy, but encourage children to undertake a proper beauty regimen later in life. Clinically tested baby products such as body oil, soap, cream, and lotion can be applied to skin to keep it clean, soft, and supple.

Teenagers across the world constitute one of the most avid supporters of regular skin care. One reason is that they face a host of skin problems due to hormonal changes and improper lifestyles. Teenagers with oily skin tend to suffer most from acne. Pimples should not be picked or squeezed, as this leaves marks on the skin. The face should be washed at least twice every day with water and a mild face wash to keep out grime and reduce oiliness. A basic skin care regimen involving the use of cleanser, toner, and moisturizer should be followed.

Women, apart from following a similar regimen, need to take special care during and after pregnancy. Oil or cream massage is essential to avoid ugly stretch marks and sagging of skin. Older women need to apply outer eye cream, night cream, and anti-wrinkle cream and masks to avoid age-related skin problems. Exfoliation is also necessary to get rid of dead cells.

Men can choose from an array of pre-shaving oils, shaving gels, and post-shaving moisturizers in addition to skin rejuvenators and scrubs exclusively manufactured for men. All individuals also need to use a sunscreen with SPF of 15 or higher when they go out during the day, to protect their skin from premature aging.

To conclude, regular skin care is essential for healthy and glowing skin.

Either natural or cosmetic products can be used for this purpose, based on individual choice. However, external care must be supplemented with a nutritious, low-fat diet, sufficient intake of water, and adequate sleep. In addition, stress should be avoided. Skin Care provides detailed information on Skin Care, Skin Care Products, Natural Skin Care, Anti Aging Skin Care and more. Skin Care is affliated with Natural Skin Care Products.

Tips for Getting Rid of Puffy Eyes by: Larry Edwin

First you should recognize the symptoms of puffy or swollen eyes. The upper and lower eyelids will experience puffiness or swelling typically during the morning. The swelling can occasionally be accompanied by itching and/or redness. You may not be able to fully open or close your eyes.

Next you need to know what some of the common causes are for puffy eyes. If the body is too dehydrated it will start storing up water which leads to puffy eyes. If you drink alcohol or eat salty foods before going to sleep this can also cause puffy eyes. Alcohol lowers your anti-diuretic hormones or ADH. However, the levels will normalize and the puffiness will then subside about the same time your hangover subsides. Insufficient sleep can cause puffy eyes.

Then there are allergies which will also cause redness and itching along with the swelling. Some contributing factors for your allergies can include feather pillows, linen fabric, face-creams, dust, pollen and certain foods. Aging can also cause swollen eyes as the skin begins to lose its elasticity. Before or during menstruation the hormone levels can fluctuate which can result in water retention around the eyelids and puffiness.

Fluids can be pushed into the tissue around the eyes from high blood pressure resulting in swelling. There is eyelid dermatitis which is a skin condition that affects just the eyelids. It is typically caused by an allergic reaction to the make-up or skin-care products you are wearing. There are a few diseases of the eye that can cause puffiness including blepharitis, orbital cellulitis, chalazions, kidney infections and thyroid problems. Some drugs such as lithium can cause the thyroid to lose production which can result in puffy eyes. Lastly heredity can play a big role in puffy eyes.

There are several things you can do to help prevent puffy eyes from happening. First you should stay hydrated. You will get thirsty when you start to become dehydrated. Your urine will be nearly clear when you are properly hydrated. Just remember that some drugs and foods can change the color of your urine as well. You should also lower your salt intake. Salt can only be stored in fluid suspension which gathers around your eyes. By lowering your salt consumption you can also improve your overall health.

You should never go to sleep while wearing eye make-up. No matter how tired you are always use a remover and continue to do so until you find no signs of make-up on the cotton ball. Use a cotton pad for your eye area since it is less irritating than a tissue. You can prevent make-up from entering the eyelid and causing irritation if you remove it before sleeping.

Tainted eye make-up can also cause puffy eyes so you should be careful of bacteria. Never use an eye product or make-up that is older than a few months. By now bacteria may have grown in the make-up and can cause your eyelids to swell. It is also a good idea not to share eye products with anyone else.

Try to get enough regular, quality sleep if possible. Have your head elevated when sleeping to allow better circulation and prevent fluid from gathering around your eyes. It is best to sleep on your back so gravity doesn't route fluid directly to your eyes.

If you already have puffy eyes then there are many methods available to help you get rid of puffy eyes. However, some of these methods will require time and patience in order to get results. Consider some natural remedies for your puffy eyes.

Use a mask filled with cold water or gel for a few minutes when you first wake up in the morning. Take a paper towel to wrap a few pieces of ice and then place them on your eyelids for a few minutes to reduce the swelling. Keep eye creams refrigerated since it will help reduce puffy eyes when applied. You should gently tap cream onto your eyelids with your ring finger so you won't stimulate fluid drainage.

Have two teaspoons in the refrigerator at all times and rest them on your eyelids for at least one minute or until they warm up should you have a puffy eye attack. Take a bowl of ice-cold milk and soak cotton-wool pads in it. Squeeze out most of the liquid and place on your eyes, repeating as they warm up for about fifteen minutes. This can not only reduce puffy eyes but also brighten the whites of your eye.

You can also dip cotton balls in ice water and squeeze out the water before applying to your eyes for five to ten minutes. Black or chamomile teabags soaked in cold water placed on your eyelids for fifteen minutes will work as well. The tannic acid in the tea helps constrict the blood vessels and reduce inflammation. To help drainage you should gently press from the inside corner to the outside corner of your swollen eye.

Cucumber, potato or apple slices placed on the puffy eyelid for ten to fifteen minutes will also help. Potatoes also help to reduce dark circles under the eyes while apply have pectin which can help with anti-oxidation. Use a sale bath for your eyes by soaking cotton pads in a saline solution or a solution of one teaspoon of salt in one pint of hot water. Placing these pads on your eyelids for a few minutes will help puffy eyes.

Over the counter diuretics can help reduce your fluid retention, especially for those experiencing bloating before a period. However, diuretics can lower your blood pressure so you should have yours checked before trying this solution. Hemorrhoid cream applied around the puffy eye can help, but be very careful not to get any in your eye. Ideally you should find a cream that has yeast and shark�s liver oil.

Puffiness related to allergies is a condition that can become permanent if not treated and eliminated. Damage can occur to the connective tissues in the eye after repeated swelling, stretching the skin and causing it to become looser. As a result pouches called blepharitis will develop under your eyes because the fat has bulged. These pouches can�t be treated with home remedies like the occasional puffiness. A minor surgery is required called blepharoplasty in which the surgeon makes a small incision under the lower eyelid in order to remove the excess skin and get rid of the pouches for good.

There is over the counter eye gels, but many wonder if these truly work. Some gels can have ingredients like chamomile or witch hazel which can reduce puffiness. When worn under make0up the gels can help because they work as a primer so that it is easier to apply make-up. The gel will also prevent your make-up from flaking off which reduces the risk of irritation to your eyes. Many eye gels are water-based rather than oil-based so they can moisten your skin and hide lines rather than add grease to your skin.

Learn more about getting rid of puffy eyes at Ultimate Cosmetics

Eliminating Blackheads Efficiently and Quickly by: Larry Edwin

Everyone eventually gets an unsightly blemish called a blackhead and everyone, man, woman, teenager all desire to be rid of it as fast as possible. Blackheads fortunately do not have to be part of everyday life. They can be eliminated.

Blackheads differ from the average pimple in both appearance and cause. Blackheads are just that - a black -topped head of a pore and its cause is a pore that has been blocked from dirt. The average pimple usually a puffy, raised area of skin that appears red and the cause of this is due to a pore that has an infection. Blackheads are much easier to treat than pimples are. Here are just three suggestions on how to remove blackheads listed below.

1.) Get a facial done at a salon. Professional salons may have a person trained on skin conditions and treatments that can extract the blackheads safely and efficiently. This person is known as an aesthetician and serves to give people facials, manicures, pedicures and other beauty treatments. Blackheads are smaller than pimples and therefore much harder to see for proper removal.

The aesthetician, to remove your blackheads, will most likely use a bright light on your face to enhance the appearance of the blackheads and also a high-magnification mirror to see the blackheads better. These tools illuminate even the smallest of blackhead blemishes. The visible blackheads will undergo squeezing to remove the dirt or complete removal of the pore with either fingers or better, an extraction tool.

You can perform this at home on yourself, but will be done much more effectively through a paid professional' experience and techniques. This is especially true if you have many blackheads to perform on.

2.) A more affordable option is to steam the pores open at home. Either use water that has been heated on the stove or microwave or the hot water faucet to the point that you almost can't stand it, on the edge of being too hot. Take a wash cloth and allow the water to soak in and then squeeze out the excess water. Apply the steaming hot washcloth to your face over the blemish area. Hold the washcloth in place firmly with flat hands for a minimum of ten minutes.

The purpose of the heat and steam from the water will work to soften the skin over and surrounding the blackheads. This allows the skin to open up over the blackhead, allowing you to carefully squeeze out the dirt blocking the pore. When done, gently pat the face with a clean, dry cloth to dry with out irritating or pushing dirt back in the pore.

3.) Try pore strip applications. Pore strips work by adhering to the skin, including the blackheads. When the pore strips are removed, it takes the blackheads with them by extracting them from your face. To avoid infection that results in a larger unsightly pimple, the pore strips usually contain anti-bacteria qualities. To use a pore strip, be sure to start with a clean and dry face. Start by applying the pore strip over the blackhead area like you would apply a band-aid. Wait the instructed amount of time listed on the product. After the correct time has elapsed, rip the strip off the face quickly. the blackhead will be on the removed strip rather than on your face.

Read effective skin care tips and advice.

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